Here is a list of the ARA stages of painting for anyone interested:
Cartoon Drawing
Dry Brush
Dead/Local Color
First Painting (Thick application of paint)
Second Painting (fine blending/refinement stage)
Glazes and Scumbles
Fernando Freitas is the director and senior instructor at the Academy of Realist Art in Toronto and has been working to inspire artists of all ages for the past 15 years. The Boston school always enjoys Fernando's visits because we get a chance to hear his different perspective on the art world and get a taste for his alternative sense of humor.
The school is now accepting all ho-boes with pink hats :).. I happen to be the first one accepted! Seriously though, Fernando is an excellent teacher. After drawing for so long it was refreshing for us to have a week of figure painting. This program has been unique in that there is always something to look forward to on the calender. Workshops, studio lectures, movie nights, MFA trips.. and the temptation to take a visit to Toronto to be exposed to our sister school :)