Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day 2 of the Boston Figure Painting Competition at ARA Boston

Day 2 of the Academy of Realist Art Boston's 2015 Figure Painting Competition has wrapped up. 12 hours in front of a model so far!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Day 1 of the 2015 ARA Boston Figure Painting Competition

Day 1 is wrapped up and it's an exciting start to the week. Here are progress shots from all 10 competitors. No identifiers because we're keeping it anonymous for the judges!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Final Countdown

Saturday was the final day of preparations for Boston FPC 2015. Lights were adjusted to give the painters a choice of cool or warm light on their supports; easels were fiddled with-- inched, angled and squared-- until every sight line was clear. The model room is ready, the pose is set. We look forward to welcoming the nine visiting artists on Monday.